PLP Community
Pacific Laboratory Products is a community conscious company. We have an active Work Place Giving Program where staff can contribute to a company sponsored charity, or one of their choice.
The MAD (Make A Difference) Team, who are volunteers within PLP, identify which charities the company we will contribute to. In the passed few year, PLP has raised over $8,000 in employee contributions and every dollar is matched, dollar for dollar by the company. Recently the funds raised have been distributed to
Mind Scholarship program
Enabling youth suffering from Mental Illness to re-engage in an education and become self sufficient
Tibetan Children’s fund
Our funds assisted the Tibetan People in building a school with the aim of educating their children to develop self sufficiency for future years.
East Timor
Engaging Youth Program. Monthly donation via AusAid
Nicaraguan Child
Monthly donation to support Carla Fernandez Gonzales and her family.
Volunteering Program
PLP gives every employee the opportunity to use two working days to volunteer in a community program.. Individual may choose the program to support, which have ranged from voluntary fire fighting, animal rescue, and people in the community less fortunate than ourselves.