Electrode STSURF Precision Refillable Plastic Flat Tip pH

  • Part Number: 30129470

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Electrode STSURF Precision Refillable Plastic Flat Tip pH


The OHAUS Starter Series of electrodes are designed to produce exact results time and time again. The Starter Series includes pH, reference, oxidation-reduction potential (ORP), conductivity, dissolved oxygen (DO), and temperature electrodes that can be used in combination with Starter bench and portable meters.

Can be used in conjunction with all Starter bench and portable meters.

For detailed information and pricing, please contact one of our product experts at: sales@pacificlab.com.au


Electrode STSURF Precision Refillable Plastic Flat Tip pH


The OHAUS Starter Series of electrodes are designed to produce exact results time and time again. The Starter Series includes pH, reference, oxidation-reduction potential (ORP), conductivity, dissolved oxygen (DO), and temperature electrodes that can be used in combination with Starter bench and portable meters.

Can be used in conjunction with all Starter bench and portable meters.

For detailed information and pricing, please contact one of our product experts at: sales@pacificlab.com.au