Rotor-Gene Rotor-Disc, 72, Reaction volume 15-25µl
Sapphire Rotor Disc 72 features
Designed to be used with Corbett & Qiagen Rotor-Gene
Contamination Free from human DNA, DNase, RNase and PCR inhibitors
Individually packaged
Virgin Resin Only virgin polypropylene used
Available in 72-well and 100-well discs
Requires heat seal film
Manufacturer holds over 25 years of manufacturing experience.
The discs are a one-piece plate equivalent, having vertically oriented wells compatible with automated reaction set-up using a robotic liquid handling system
Two models are available:
72-well disc with 100 µl tubes (recommended reaction volume 20-25 µl) for use with the original Rotor-Disc® 72 Rotor and Rotor-Disc® 72 Locking Ring
100-well disc with 30 µl tubes (recommended reaction volume 15-20 µl) for use with the original Rotor-Disc® 100 Rotor and Rotor-Disc® 100 Locking Ring
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